Profiel van Paul (Drummer en Gitarist )


RipCage (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) emerged in early 2020, fueled by an unrelenting passion for heavy metal and hardcore. Drawing inspiration from legendary bands like Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, Madball, and Sick of it All, Paul crafted nine intense tracks, rich with heavy riffs, groove, and melody, recording all the music solo in his home studio during the pandemic. Jon then joined, writing and recording the powerful lyrics that completed their sound. Together, they released their debut album, 'When the World Burns,' at the end of 2022. Since then, RipCage has expanded its lineup with Robbert on drums, Thomas on bass, and Stefan on guitar. With this powerhouse team, RipCage continues to create and perform their beloved heavy music, driven by passion, fun, and boundless creativity.

Bespeelde instrumenten

1e instrument: Drums
2e instrument: Gitaar

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