Profiel van Marshall (Gitarist en Zanger/Zangeres )


Hi I'm Marshall, I'm 21 years old, I play the guitar in different tunings and mostly play rhythm. I want to be in a band, especially where we begin and write new songs. Or make new songs. I'm highly motivated to play in a group setting. To learn, have fun, and create sounds where we're all proud of.

I can speak Dutch just fine but I'm personally looking for a band that is does English vocals. I'm looking for a band to have fun and make Punk Rock / Rock / Artrock, but also take it seriously. Currently I make music in my room and compose songs with Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Synth, and vocals. I also know some about mastering and I'm inspired by Steve Albini's way of approaching recordings (Though I don't have a tape machine.) I like to write more energetic songs where everyone feels like they are playing genuine hard songs.

Outside of music I make 2d-games and go to school about making games. I draw and paint abstract pieces.

My biggest Inspos are:
Pixies, Radiohead, Sonic Youth, Nirvana

Bespeelde instrumenten

1e instrument: Gitaar
2e instrument: Vocalen

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