Profiel van MargaridaMendo (Pianist en Klarinettist )


Margarida Mendo was born in Lisbon in 1989 and entered the Escola de Música Nossa Senhora do Cabo in the class of prof. Mariana Cruz, having graduated in 2007 with the best mark possible (20/20).
Margarida played in all major venue places in Portugal and won most of important competitions such as “Maria Cristina Lino Pimentel”, “Concurso de Musica de Ourém”, “ Cidade do Fundão” among many others. She has worked under guidance of well-known pianists such as Galina Eguiazarova, Sequeira Costa, Constantin Sandu, Paul Badura-Skoda, Vitaly Margulis, etc.
In 2007, Margarida won a full scholarship to study in England, at BCU Birmingham Conservatoire where she worked witth Simon Nicholls and Victor Sangiorgio.
In 2011, Margarida moved to Brussels,where she took a Master Degree at the Conservatoire Royale de Musique de Bruxelles. She worked with professors Jan Michiels , Aleksandar Madzar and Thomas Dieltjens among others.
From 2015 Margarida was a piano professor at the École de Musique Tchaikovsky, in Brussels.

Bespeelde instrumenten

1e instrument: Piano
2e instrument: Klarinet

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