Profiel van Dave.alonsomolina (Zanger/Zangeres en Violist )


David Alonso-Molina (Spain), graduated in piano and violin at the Conservatorio Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” of Valencia. Bachelor's Degree in Early Music at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague, where he has studied with Rachael Beesley, Ryo Terakado, Elizabeth Wallfish, Catherine Mackintosh and Kati Debretzeni. He undertook natural trumpet studies with Tomohiro Sugimura, Susan Williams and Graham Nicholson. Afterwards he obtained a Master's Degree in violin, viola and violoncello at the Early Music Department of the Hoogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht, under the guidance of Antoinette Lohmann. Additionally he does singing studies with Anne Smith and Rebecca Stewart.

He is a founding member of La Academia de los Nocturnos and Cantores Sancti Gregorii, and performs regularly with groups such as Les Esprits Animaux, Ars Lusitana, Ensemble Odyssee, Toronto Classical Consort, Concerto d'Amsterdam, Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands, Concerto Barocco, La Ritirata, Clarini Ensemble, Contrasto Armonico,

Bespeelde instrumenten

1e instrument: Vocalen
2e instrument: Viool

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