Theorie basis

Categorie: Overige Muziekles Utrecht (Utrecht). Geplaatst door: , 641 x bekeken.


Soort les: Overige Muziekles
Prijs: €20.00 per les van 45 minuten


Naam: Ioannis Leloudas
Telefoonnr: 0649642946


Hello music lovers!
Music is an exciting language to learn!
Behind the melodies and harmony of each musical structure,stand the fundamentals of music theory.

I teach these fundamentals through an exciting,playful way ,that calls you to connect with the music and have fun.

Lessons for the very begginers will consist of simple rhythmic and melodic patterns that you can learn from and have fun with.
I can cover all the basic theory concepts and introduce you to jazz theory basis!

Starting from intervals, scales and building up to 3/4 voice chords and most common harmony and rhythm patterns and basics!
Would you like to start this musical journey?
Don't hesitate to contact me for any question or specification!

John Leloudas

Ervaring / opleiding docent

Jazz &Pop; departement /Utrecht Conservatorium student

Muziekles adres

Kanaalzichthof 446
3541ex Utrecht

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