Guitar lessons in Rotterdam area

Categorie: Gitaarles Rotterdam (Zuid-Holland). Geplaatst door: , 1152 x bekeken.


Soort les: Gitaarles
Prijs: €20.00 per les van 60 minuten


Naam: Johan Nouveau
Telefoonnr: 33674092024


Hello fellow musicians!

Looking for a guitar teacher?
From beginner to advanced, acoustic or electric, I can teach you the skills you need to start strumming along with your friends or soloing over your favourite song.
No need to learn how to read music, my teaching is based on listening and putting into practice the new skills.

I'm available every day, we can meet at your place or mine, in Rotterdam.

fare: 20 euros per hour
Fun is required!

I teach in english and french. You may answer in dutch.

feel free to contact me:
+336 74 09 20 24

See you soon.

Ervaring / opleiding docent

15 years of experience with playing guitar in bands and gigs. Guitar teacher since 10 years.

Muziekles adres

Aelbrechtskade 16A02
3022HL Rotterdam

Les aan huis is mogelijk.