Guitar Lessons - Amsterdam

Categorie: Gitaarles Amsterdam (Noord-Holland). Geplaatst door: , 1152 x bekeken.


Soort les: Gitaarles
Prijs: €25.00 per les van 45 minuten


Naam: Jerzy Bielski
Telefoonnr: 0616658838


All ages and levels welcome!
From beginners to advanced students.

Rock, Pop, Jazz, Classical, Soul, Funk, Reggae and Folk.

10 years of experience (including full-time teaching at primary and secondary schools in London, UK).
15 years of performing on stage.

Preparing for various exams, auditions and competitions, as well as learning how to play just for fun, in a more relaxed way, depending on your needs and interests.

Electric, Acoustic, Classical and Jazz Guitar.

Professional and friendly.

Jerzy Bielski
BA Music (Jazz)

Ervaring / opleiding docent

MMus Composition 2013
BA Music (Jazz) 2008
Secondary Music School Graduation Certificate 2005

Muziekles adres


1053 SG Amsterdam

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