Bass and Guitar Lessons in Amsterdam in the Westergasfabriek

Categorie: Gitaarles Amsterdam (Noord-Holland). Geplaatst door: , 1321 x bekeken.


Soort les: Gitaarles
Prijs: €30.00 per les van 45 minuten


Naam: Igor Isanto
Telefoonnr: 06 13260063


Since few month the westergasfabriek and Amsterdam have a new Bass / Guitar Academy "Bononia Docet Music" ,w here you can take lessons in a very professional way with lots of fun,
The Academy is situated in one of the most beautiful places of holland, the Westergasfabriek next to the tv studio of "De wereld draait door".
Lessons are only individual, no group lessons, children from 10 years old.
You can follow the lessons once a week, once every 2 week or once a month, as you like. First lesson is always free of charge!

Ervaring / opleiding docent

In the music world since 25 years, Guitar and bass player, composer, arrangements of entire songs, singer songwriter composer of classic music,performer live and in studio.
Electric guitar, acoustic guitar classic guitar.
Given until now more then 1300 lessons.

Muziekles adres

Polonceaukade 12
1014DA Amsterdam

Les aan huis is mogelijk.

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