Original heavy Grunge punk progrock band looking for a singer (Groningen)

Hey everyone, my name is Kristof, 26 years old and from Slovakia. I founded a band some time ago and we are currently writing and original album of of approximately 11 songs (already have about 8 written) and subsequently we shall record some and perform. I play the guitar and do backing vocals, Dylan is a British bassist of ours and Pim is a drummer, as the name gives away he's Dutch. However at this point we don't have a lead singer and need somebody with a very fiery attitude and confidence, since we really mean it with the band and want to make something amazing here. If you have that grungerock, punk vibe and can sing a decent tune, be sure to reach out! The sooner the better and we rehearse on Wednesdays and some other day of the week depending on our schedules.

WhatsApp: 0686271693
Email: soldankristof@gmail.com
Instagram: kristofsoldan

Leeftijdscategorie: 20 tot 30 jaar
Geplaatst in de categorie "Zanger/Zangeres Gezocht in Groningen (Groningen)" door gebruiker op 19-02-2025, 82 keer bekeken.

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