Experienced Metal Guitarist Looking for a Serious Metal Band (Utrecht)
Hi everyone
I am an experienced guitarist (+25 years) and 37 years old. I want to play in a serious metal band, which has the experience of stage, recording etc and no issue with their playing. Both cover bands and original bands can be considered. I mainly enjoy playing oldschool thrash and death metal such as Exodus, Kreator, Megadeth, Slayer, Death, Pantera, Sepultura, Testament, Children of Bodom or relatively modern stuff such as Nevermore, Sylosis, Trivium etc you name it.
I mainly played rhytm guitar in my previous bands but I am capable to play quite good portion of solos as well. I have my pro-grade equipment both guitars and amps and effects etc.
I live in Almere but I can come to various cities lets say 30mins drive radius from Utrecht. I am open to regular (weekly is OK) rehearsals.
I have previous experience of gigs, recordings, videclips etc.
If you think I am a good fit to your band, lets keep in touch. Send a message.
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