Looking for bandmates! (Oldenzaal)

Hi! My name is Gerwin and I'm 19 years old. I live in Oldenzaal (Overijssel) and I Well play guitar and i am learning to sing! Music is a big passion of mine and i do sit in my room a lot playing away i used to have a group of friends to play with but im on my own now, and i think it is time to find some people to play with or even start a band with (Preferably around my age.)

I always dreamt of making people happy with music and Making music for a living . Maybe you would like to live that dream along with me?

So send me an e-mail or a dm on discord if u like! u can also contact me on my insta if you're interested! Cya


Btw I speak Dutch and English :)

Leeftijdscategorie: 16-25

Geplaatst in de categorie "Gitarist Zoekt Band in Oldenzaal (Overijssel)" door gebruiker op 28-02-2023, 124 keer bekeken.

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