KILL THE NERDS (Eindhoven)
I’m tired of seeing fucking nerds in modern music scene.
It's like a competition who can suck dick the hardest.
I'm GUITARIST and looking for musicians with same believes, i dont care how you play instrument, what level of experience you have
if you're young, rebelious, pissed off, and your heart beats for music, you're in.
With heroes like: MC5, New York Dolls, The Dictators, Johnny Thunders and The Heartbreakers, Ramones, Generation X, Sex Pistols, Hanoi Rocks, Faster Pussycat, Alleycat Scratch, The Dogs D'Amour.
I want to stand against polished, soulless bands that look like everybody else and sound like everybody else.
Bring some fucking fun and raw energy in music.
my inst:haxansword