Guitarist looking for band (Amsterdam)

Hi, I am a guitarist looking to join or form a band.
I am primarily interested in playing something along the lines of post-rock, shoegaze, grunge, metal, or dream pop. But I am open to a lot, so please don't hesitate to send me a message.

Having fun is what's most important to me. It would be nice if we could write some of our own material and maybe record some demos. I've been playing guitar for about 15 years. In the past, I played in a few bands with whom I performed a handful of shows. However, I admit that I am a bit rusty when it comes to playing with other people. I am 28 years old, but I have no preferences regarding age. I am Dutch and I live in Amsterdam.


Geplaatst in de categorie "Gitarist Gezocht in Amsterdam (Noord-Holland)" door gebruiker op 14-06-2023, 313 keer bekeken.

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