Experienced Metal Drummer Wanted (Utrecht-Almere-Amsterdam)

Hi all, because they left us for another project, we are looking for a drummer and a lead guitar for our (mostly) cover thrash metal band. Both bass guitarist and rhythm guitarist live in Flevoland, but we are open to travel (We did most of our previous rehearsals in Utrecht).
We are playing mostly oldschool thrash metal such as early Metallica, Megadeth, Exodus, Testament, Slayer etc. We are open to explore more oldschool metal or modern stuff as well. We are also open to have a new singer and expand the list to classic heavy metal.
If you are interested, get in touch.

Geplaatst in de categorie "Drummer Gezocht in Utrecht-Almere-Amsterdam (Utrecht)" door gebruiker op 12-03-2025, 39 keer bekeken.

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